After the funding decision is made, the grants administrator notifies the CEO of the sponsoring organization by email regarding the approval or refusal of a grant award, with a copy going to the project director.
Contracts and Forms
If a grant award is made, a contract packet is sent to the sponsoring organization. It includes the following:
Award Agreement: To accept the grant, the chief executive officer of the sponsoring organization and the project director must sign and return the enclosed document within 30 days of the contract date.
Certifications Page: The chief executive officer of the sponsoring organization must sign and return the Certifications page within 30 days of the contract date.
Schedule of Payments Form: Use this form to provide fiscal information about the sponsoring organization and to specify a payment schedule. When proposing a schedule, please know that that progress and/or final reports will be due 30 days prior to requested payment dates.
Schedule of Events Form: Use the link in your award email to list all public and non-public events related to the project and return within 30 days of the contract date.
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): All grant recipients are required to have an UEI (SAM) obtained through full registration at The UEI must be indicated on the award agreement and the Schedule of Payments form. Confirm that the sponsor’s entity registration is active and publicly searchable before submitting your contract. The entity registration at must remain active for the life of the grant period.
Amended Budget Form: If the total amount of the grant award requested was not funded, the amended budget form must be completed to adjust the project budget accordingly and returned with the contract. Please specify on the amended budget form how you will reallocate funds for the budget categories. Also, use this form during the project to request budget line changes of more than 10% during the project (award or cost-share).
Audience Evaluation: Grantees are required to evaluate the effectiveness of their grant project. Please click the link for a list of options.
Model for Contact with Legislators: The enclosed model for letters or emails to legislators provides you with a template for contact with the senators and delegates from your district.
Reporting and Payment Procedures
The Humanities Council requires certain reports before grant payments will be made. After the contract is received, the grants administrator will email the necessary reporting forms and provide reporting deadlines based on your approved Schedule of Payments
It is up to the grantee to track reporting dates and submit reports on time. Please note that the Humanities Council has 30 days to process contracts and reports upon receipt.
Reporting and payment procedures differ by type of grant, as indicated below:
Minigrants require a Final Report, which includes financial information. Minigrant payments are disbursed in two installments. The first payment is disbursed when the Council receives and approves the contract materials. The second and final payment is disbursed when the Final Report, supporting materials, and signed Financial Report are received and approved. (View a printer-friendly Final Report for reference.)
Major, media, publication, and teacher institute grants require a Progress Report and Final Report, each of which requires financial information. Payments for these grants are disbursed in three installments. The first payment is disbursed when the Council receives and approves the contract materials. The second payment is disbursed when the Progress Report is received and approved. The third and final payment is disbursed when the Final Report, supporting materials, and signed Financial Report are received and approved. (View a printer-friendly Progress Report or Final Report for reference.)
Fellowships require a Progress Report and a Final Report. Fellowship payments are disbursed in one installment after the grantee returns the Award Agreement and Certifications page and completes the Schedule of Events form.
Travel Assistance grants require a Final Report. Travel Assistance payments are disbursed in one installment after the grantee returns the Award Agreement and completes the Schedule of Events.
Please include any newspaper articles, photos, and promotional materials —such as brochures, flyers, and advertisements—as part of the final reporting for mini and major grants, fellowships, and travel assistance grants.
Publicity and Publication Requirements
The West Virginia Humanities Council requires public acknowledgment of the projects it supports. Unless advised to the contrary, an acknowledgment of Humanities Council support, as well as the West Virginia Humanities Council Logo, and the policy statement must appear on all materials publicizing or resulting from grant activities. Please refer to the acknowledgment and publicity requirements for West Virginia Humanities Council awards, which provides the policy statement and a link to the Council logo.