2024 McCreight Lecturer Percival Everett
Photo by Katie Morris

2024 Activities Report

WV Humanities Council logo; shaded WV map showing counties served by the Council; text: As West Virginia's state affiliate for the National Endowment for the Humanities, we fund hundreds of grants and programs every year in history, literature, law, and more--enriching communities statewide. With support from the federal government, the State of West Virginia, and private donors, we bring impactful programming to schools, libraries, museums, and beyond. We provide statewide support to organizations and individuals promoting the humanities. Grants: $318,536 awarded, 40 grants, 10 fellowships, 7 travel assistance grants

You can review a list of grants awarded in 2024 or learn how to apply for grants.


Photos of author Percival Everett at podium, a World War II soldier in dress uniform, vertical panels of the Born of Rebellion exhibit on display in the West Virginia State Capitol, and a man in frontier clothing addressing an audience at the MacFarland Hubbard House; text: In October, we hosted author Percival Everett for our McCreight Lecture in Charleston with over 300 attendees. 50 WV Veterans biographies were written by Grafton High School and University High School Students. We hosted our flagship exhibit, Born of the Rebellion, in the State Capitol for 6 weeks. History Alive! performer Doug Wood traveled statewide portraying Thomas Ingles.

Learn more about our Programs.


Images: WV Folklife Program logo; a younger and older woman standing in front of a tree holding white oak strips with the text 10 new Folklife Apprenticeship Pairs were awarded; cutout of the Braxton County Monster in front of the 1836 four-temple fronted brick white MacFarland-Hubbard House on a sunny day with the text The Braxton County Monster greeted attendees at our WV Day Open House; a woman playing banjo with a man playing fiddle with the text Guests enjoyed live old-time music at our WV Day Open House; the e-WV quilt star logo with the text e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia; a photo looking down on the West Virginia Legislature in session with the text e-WV Lesson Plan: The West Virginia Legislature and the text We developed a Civics Toolkit with 36 lesson plans to help teachers introduce topics to students in kindergarten-8th grade

Learn more about the West Virginia Folklife Program or search e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia.


View our 2024 Annual Report here.

View our 2023 Activities Report here.