e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia

Teacher Feature Added to e-WV Online Encyclopedia


A feature of e-WV: The West Virginia Encyclopedia provides teachers with innovative ways to use this powerful online resource. The e-WV Classroom includes 19 lesson plans for eighth grade and six lesson plans for elementary grades. All were developed by teachers from several counties, working under the direction of curriculum specialist Margaret Miller. The plans address a variety of topics, such as statehood, the Civil War, and the Great Depression, and include guiding questions, vocabulary, and lesson activities. All of the lesson plans meet the West Virginia Department of Education’s standards for social studies and literacy.


The Classroom section is also helpful to students who want to learn more about West Virginia, in general. Students will find links to e-WV articles on such topics as the state seal and state animals and plants. They also can find easy access to e-WV quizzes, especially helpful in preparing for the annual Golden Horseshoe test.


Visitors to the Classroom section can find directions for using e-WV's special features, including interactive maps and the portfolio function. Visit the Classroom by clicking here


Contact Stan Bumgardner at 304-346-8500 or email Stan at bumgardner@wvhumanities.org if you would like a demonstration of how e-WV can be used in the classroom.